Hello to all who are currently reading this blog! My name is Luke Yap, and I’m a sixteen-year-old boy who’s currently attending the Gatton Academy. I heard of the Switzerland Study Abroad Program when Dr. Davies presented to our English 200 class past experiences he had while hosting the program. I decided to apply for the study abroad program because the landscape looked beautiful, the food had great reviews, and it was an opportunity to improve my writing skills. So far, I have not been disappointed.
Yesterday, we hiked up a mountain known as “Deborence”. For part of our coursework, we were required to read a novel called When The Mountain Fell about when part of Deborence fell. While hiking up the mountain, it was hard to believe an area so beautiful would be so destructive, but I soon changed my mind.
While climbing up a rock along the path leading to the peak of Deborence, my left leg grazed a group of flowers. Soon, I had broken out into hives. After reaching the peak of Deborence, the weather turned from cool and calm to freezing and hailing. When we had finally returned to the hostile, I was itchy, freezing, and wet. As they say in the game of Dungeons & Dragons, the mountain had a chaotic neutrality.
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