Sunday, June 19, 2011

The First Post

Greetings from the program leader. It is the night before our Swiss adventure begins, and I'd like to inaugurate this blog with a few words of introduction. I welcome first, of course, the other blog authors, the program participants, who will be using the blog to post their thoughts and responses to the literature we read and the sites we visit. This will be a particularly literary view of Switzerland, filtered through our readings of Rousseau, Schiller, Wordsworth, Byron, the Shelleys, and others. It will also be an academic blog, with commentaries written for credit toward a course grade. And, finally, it will be a way for all of us to communicate with family and friends who want to follow our adventures. We promise to post some beautiful pictures of Alpine sublimity, and whatever else catches our eye. So we welcome our followers, and hope you enjoy our postings.

On a personal note: for my wife and me a return to Switzerland is always a special delight. We met in the small village of Huemoz, just a few miles away from Gryon, in 1975. Four years later we were married in the village church of San Saphorin, on the banks of Lac Leman. Since then we have been able to return periodically to those familiar locations. My study of Romanticism and Alpine literature is inextricably interwoven with our personal romance in Switzerland. We are looking forward to being there once again, and sharing our beloved Alps with this new group of students.

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